Floating-Point Exceptions
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 6-17

6.6 Floating-Point Exceptions

This section describes floating-point exceptions and how they are handled. Table 6-10 lists the vector

numbers related to floating-point exceptions. If the exception is taken pre-instruction, the PC contains the

address of the next floating-point instruction (nextFP). If the exception is taken post-instruction, the PC

contains the address of the faulting instruction (fault).

NGLE Not greater, less or equal NAN 011000 Yes
IEEE-Aware Tests
EQ Equal Z 000001 No
NE Not equal Z 001110 No
OGT Ordered greater than NAN | Z | N 000010 No
ULE Unordered or less or equal NAN | Z | N 001101 No
OGE Ordered greater than or equal Z | (NAN | N) 000011 No
ULT Unordered or less than NAN | (N & Z) 001100 No
OLT Ordered less than N & (NAN | Z) 000100 No
UGE Unordered or greater or equal NAN | (Z | N) 001011 No
OLE Ordered less than or equal Z | (N & NAN) 000101 No
UGT Unordered or greater than NAN | (N | Z) 001010 No
OGL Ordered greater or less than NAN | Z 000110 No
UEQ Unordered or equal NAN | Z 001001 No
OR Ordered NAN 000111 No
UN Unordered NAN 001000 No
Miscellaneous Tests
F False False 000000 No
T True True 001111 No
SF Signaling false False 010000 Yes
ST Signaling true True 011111 Yes
SEQ Signaling equal Z 010001 Yes
SNE Signaling not equal Z 011110 Yes
1This column refers to the value in the instruction’s conditional predicate field that specifies this test.

Table 6-9. Floating-Point Conditional Tests (Continued)

Mnemonic Definition Equation Predicate 1EXC[BSUN] Set