Message Digest Execution Unit (MDEU)
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 22-43

22.10.4 MDEU Interrupt Status Register (MDISR)

The interrupt status register tracks the state of possible errors, if those errors are not masked, via the

MDEU interrupt mask register. The definition of each bit in the interrupt status register is shown in

Figure 22-31.

Figure 22-31. MDEU Interrupt Status Register (MDISR)

Table 22-28 describes MDEU interrupt status register fields.

24 RD Reset Done. This status bit, when high, indicates that MDEU has completed its reset
sequence, as reflected in the signal sampled by the appropriate crypto-channel.
0 Reset in progress
1 Reset done
23-0 Reserved, should be cleared.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
MBAR + 0x 21038

Table 22-28. MDISR Field Descriptions

Bits Name Description
31 ME Mode Error. An illegal value was detected in the mode register. Note: writing to reserved
bits in mode register is likely source of error.
0 No error detected
1 Mode error
30 AE Address Error. An illegal read or write address was detected within the MDEU address
0 No error detected
1 Address Error
29–27 Reserved, should be cleared.
26 IFO Input FIFO Overflow. The MDEU Input FIFO has been pushed while full.
0 No overflow detected
1 Input FIFO has overflowed
Note: When operating as a master, the implements flow-control, and FIFO size is not a
limit to data input.

Table 22-27. MDSR Field Descriptions (Continued)

Bits Name Description