MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
3-38 Freescale Semiconductor
ColdFire processors inhibit sampling for interrupts during the first instruction of all exception handlers.
This allows any handler to effectively disable interrupts, if necessary, by raising the interrupt mask level
in the SR.

3.8.1 Exception Stack Frame Definition

The first longword of the exception stack frame, Figure 3-15, holds the 16-bit format/vector word (F/V)
and 16-bit status register. The second holds the 32-bit program counter address of the faulted or interrupted
Figure 3-15. Exception Stack Frame
Table 3-22 describes F/V fields. FS encodings added to support the CF4e MMU are noted.
48 0C0 Fault Floating-point branch on unordered
49 0C4 NextFP or Fault Floating-point inexact result
50 0C8 NextFP Floating-point divide-by-zero
51 0CC NextFP or Fault Floating-point underflow
52 0D0 NextFP or Fault Floating-point operand error
53 0D4 NextFP or Fault Floating-point overflow
54 0D8 NextFP or Fault Floating-point input not-a-number (NAN)
55 0DC NextFP or Fault Floating-point input denormalized
56–60 0E0–0F0 Reserved
61 0F4 Fault Unsupported instruction
62–63 0F8–0FC Reserved
64–255 100–3FC Next User-defined interrupts
1‘Fault’ refers to the PC of the faulting instruction. ‘Next’ refers to the PC of the instruction immediately after the
faulting instruction. NextFP’ refers to the PC of the next floating-point instruction.
31 28 27 26 25 18 17 16 15 0
+ 0x04 PROGRAM COUNTER [31:0]
Table 3-21. Exception Vector Assignments (Continued)
Vector Numbers Vector Offset (Hex) Stacked Program Counter1Assignment