MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
18-28 Freescale Semiconductor

This configuration results in a value of SDCR = 0xE10D_0002, as described in Table 18-19.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Field MODE
Setting 1110_0001_0000_1101
(hex) E 1 0 D
151413121110987 6 543210
Setting 0000_0000_0000_0010

Figure 18-18. SDRAM Control Register Settings + MODE_EN and IPALL

Table 18-19. SDCR + MODE_EN and IPALL Field Descriptions

Bits Name Setting Description
31 MODE_EN 1 Mode register is writable.
30 CKE 1 SDCKE is asserted
29 DDR 1 DDR mode is enabled
28 REF 0 Automatic refresh is disabled
27–26 00 Reserved. Should be cleared.
25–24 MUX 01 01 is the MUX setting for a 13 x 9 x 4 memory. See Table 18-2.
23 AP 0 0 sets the auto precharge control bit to A10.
22 DRIVE 0 Data and DQS lines are only driven for a write cycle.
21–16 RCNT 001101 RCNT = (tREFI/ (SDCLK x 64)) - 1 = (7800ns/(8.3ns x 64)) - 1 = 13.62, round down to
13 (0xD)
15–12 0000 Reserved. Should be cleared.
11–8 DQS_OE 0000 0x0 disables drive for all SDDQS pins for now.
7–5 000 Reserved. Should be cleared.
4 BUFF 0 0 indicates that a buffered memory module is not being used.
3 0 Reserved. Should be cleared.
2 IREF 0 Do not initiate a REF command.
1 IPALL 1 Initiate a PALL command.
0 0 Reserved. Should be cleared.