MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 6-25
Normally, an exception handler executes FSAVE, processes the exception, clears the exception bit in the
FSAVE state frame status word, and executes FRESTORE. If appropriate exception bits set in the status
word are not cleared, the same exception is taken again. If multiple exception bits are set in the status word,
each should be processed, cleared, and restored by their respective handlers. In this way, all exceptions are
processed in priority order.
If it is not necessary to handle multiple exceptions, the exception model can be simplified (after any
processing) by the handler manually loading FPCR and FPSR and then discarding the state frame before
executing an RTE. Given that state frames are four longwords, it may be quicker to discard the state frame
by incrementing the address pointer (often the system stack pointer, A7) by 16.
The exception operand, contained in longwords two and three of the FSAVE frame, is always the value of
the destination operand before the operation which caused the exception commenced. Thus, for dyadic
register-to-register operations, the exception operand contains the value of the destination register before
it was overwritten by the operation which caused the exception. This operand can be retrieved by an
exception handler that needs both original operands in order to process the exception.

6.7 Instructions

This section includes an instruction set summary, execution times, and differences between ColdFire and
M68000 FPU programming models. For detailed instruction descriptions, see the ColdFire Programmers
Reference Manual.

6.7.1 Floating-Point Instruction Overview

ColdFire instructions are 16-, 32-, or 48-bits long. The general definition of a floating-point operation and
effective addressing mode require 32 bits; some addressing modes require another 16-bit extension word.
Table 6-23 shows the minimum size instruction formats. The first word is the opword; the second is
extension word 1.
Table 6-23. Floating-Point Instruction Formats
Mnemonic Instruction Code
FABS 1111001000 ea
ea reg 0 r/m 0 src spec dest reg opmode
FADD 1111001000 ea
ea reg 0 r/m 0 src spec dest reg opmode
FBcc 111100101s
cond predicate 16b displacement or MS Word of 32b
LS Word of 32b Displacement
FCMP 1111001000 ea
ea reg 0 r/m 0 src spec dest reg 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
FDIV 1111001000 ea
ea reg 0 r/m 0 src spec dest reg opmode
FINT 1111001000 ea
ea reg 0 r/m 0 src spec dest reg 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
FINTRZ 1111001000 ea
ea reg 0 r/m 0 src spec dest reg 0 0 0 0 0 1 1