Memory Map/Register Definition
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 30-17 MIB Control Register (MIBC)

The MIBC is a read/write register used to provide control of and to observe the state of the MIB block.
This register is accessed by user software if there is a need to disable the MIB block operation. For
example, in order to clear all MIB counters in RAM the user should disable the MIB block, then clear all
the MIB RAM locations, then enable the MIB block. The MIB_DISABLE bit is reset to 1. See Table 30-6
for the locations of the MIB counters. Receive Control Register (RCR)

The RCR is programmed by the user. The RCR controls the operational mode of the receive block and
should be written only when ECR[ETHER_EN] = 0 (initialization time).
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset1 1 00000000000000
15 14 131211109876543210
R0 0 00000000000000
Reset0 0 00000000000000
MBAR + 0x9064 (FEC0), 0x9864 (FEC1)
Figure 30-7. MIB Control Register (MIBC)
Table 30-13. MIBC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31 MIB_DISABLE A read/write control bit. If set, the MIB logic will halt and not update any MIB counters.
30 MIB_IDLE A read-only status bit. If set, the MIB block is not currently updating any MIB counters.
29–0 Reserved, should be cleared.