Memory Map/Register Definitions
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 24-19 PTD Debug Registers

The PTD Debug register allows access to internal read-only PTD status registers. A different internal status

register can be viewed by writing to the register. That register will stay selected until a different value is

written to this location (MBAR+0x8080), and the next time this address is read, the corresponding register

will be driven.

16 T Triggered.This bit indicates that a DMA breakpoint has occurred with the current settings. Status bit
is sticky and requires a 1 to be written to it to clear it. The writing of a 0 to this bit has no effect. This
bit is set to 0 at reset.
0 Armed or normal operation
1 Triggered or debug mode
15–0 Task
Task Blocked. Each bit corresponds to one of the 16 task numbers. The value of the register bit
reflects the debug state of the task number. A bit is cleared by writing a 1 to that bit location; writing
a 0 has no effect. At system reset, all bits are initialized to logic zero.
0 Unblocked or normal operation
1 Blocked, task has been blocked due to a breakpoint
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R PTDDBG[31:16]
R PTDDBG[15:0]
MBAR + 0x8080

Figure 24-19. PTD Debug Register (PTDDBG)

Table 24-17. PTD Debug Register Descriptions

Written Reg Name Description
0 Request PTDDBG[31:0] reflects the current status of the 31 initiators described in the Initiator Mux
Control Register (IMCR).
1 regInitiator PTDDBG[15:0] reflects whether the corresponding task is valid and the current initiator for
that task is asserted.
2 taskValid PTDDBG[15:0] reflects the state of the V bit (initiator is valid) in each of the Task Control
Registers (TCRs).
3 hold PTDDBG[15:0] reflects the state of the HLD bit in the priority registers for the
corresponding task.

Table 24-16. Debug Status Field Descriptions (Continued)

Bits Name Description