Memory Map/Register Descriptions
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 13-13 Software and Level n IACK Registers (SWIACKR, L1IACK–L7IACK)

The eight IACK registers can be explicitly addressed via the CPU, or implicitly addressed via a

processor-generated interrupt acknowledge cycle during exception processing. In either case, the interrupt

controllers actions are very similar.

First, consider an IACK cycle to a specific level: that is, a level-n IACK. When this type of IACK arrives

in the interrupt controller, the controller examines all the currently-active level-n interrupt requests,

36 CommTim TC Combined interrupts from comm
Write ‘1’ to CTCRn[I]
37 SEC SEC interrupt Service interrupt and write ‘1’ to SICR
38 FEC1 FEC1 interrupt Write appropriate interrupt condition bit = 1
39 FEC0 FEC0 interrupt Write appropriate interrupt condition bit = 1
40 I2C I2C interrupt Write IIF = 0
41 PCIARB PCI arbiter interrupt Write ‘1’ to PASR[EXTMBK] or PASR[ITLMBK]
42 CBPCI Comm bus PCI interrupt Clear FIFO alarm condition
43 XLBPCI XLB PCI interrupt Write ‘1’ to appropriate PCIISR bit(s)
44–46 Not used
47 XLBARB XLBARB to CPU interrupt Write ‘1’ to appropriate ARB_SR bit(s)
48 DMA Multichannel DMA interrupt Write ‘1’ to DIPR[TASKn]
49 CAN0 ERROR FlexCAN error interrupt Read error bits in ESR or write ERR_INT = 0
50 BUSOFF FlexCAN bus off interrupt Write BOFF_INT = 0
51 MBOR Message buffer ORed interrupt Write BUFnI = 1 after reading BUFnI = 1
52 Not used
53 Slice
SLT1 Slice timer 1 interrupt Write ST = 1
54 SLT0 Slice timer 0 interrupt Write ST = 1
55 CAN1 ERROR FlexCAN error interrupt Read error bits in ESR or write ERR_INT = 0
56 BUSOFF FlexCAN bus off interrupt Write BOFF_INT = 0
57 MBOR Message buffer ORed interrupt Write BUFnI = 1 after reading BUFnI = 1
58 Not used
59 GPTs GPT3 GPT3 interrupt Write ‘1’ to appropriate GSR bit
60 GPT2 GPT2 interrupt Write ‘1’ to appropriate GSR bit
61 GPT1 GPT1 interrupt Write ‘1’ to appropriate GSR bit
62 GPT0 GPT0 interrupt Write ‘1’ to appropriate GSR bit
63 Not used

Table 13-12. Interrupt Source Assignments (Continued)

eModule Flag Source Description Flag Clearing Mechanism