Instruction Execution Timing
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 3-35

Execution times for moving the contents of the ACC, ACCext[01,23], MACSR, or MASK into a

destination location <ea>x in this table represent the best-case scenario when the store is executed and no

load, copy, MAC, or MSAC instructions are in the EMAC execution pipeline. In general, these store

operations require only a single cycle for execution, but if preceded immediately by a load, copy, MAC,

or MSAC instruction, the depth of the EMAC pipeline is exposed and the execution time is 4 cycles.

3.7.7 FPU Instruction Execution Times

Table 3-20 specifies the instruction execution times associated with the FPU execute engine.

mulu.l <ea>y,Dx 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0)
mulu.w <ea>y,Dx 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 5(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(0/0)
1Effective address of (d16,PC) not supported.
2 Storing the accumulator requires 1 additional clock cycle when saturation is enabled, or fractional rounding is performed
(MACSR[7:4] = 1---, -11-, --11).

Table 3-20. FPU Instruction Execution Times1, 2

Opcode Format
Effective Address <ea>
FPn Dn (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16,An) (d16,PC)
fabs <ea>y,FPx 1(0/0) 1(0/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0)
fadd <ea>y,FPx 4(0/0) 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0)
fbcc <label> 2(0/0) if correct,
9(0/0) if incorrect
fcmp <ea>y,FPx 4(0/0) 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0)
fdiv <ea>y,FPx 23(0/0) 23(0/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0)
fint <ea>y,FPx 4(0/0) 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0)
fintrz <ea>y,FPx 4(0/0) 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0)
fmove <ea>y,FPx 1(0/0) 1(0/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0)
fmove FPy,<ea>x — 2(0/1) 2(0/1) 2(0/1) 2(0/1) 2(0/1)
fmove <ea>y,FP*R — 6(0/0) 6(1/0) 6(1/0) 6(1/0) 6(1/0) 6(1/0)
fmove FP*R,<ea>x — 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1)
fmovem3<ea>y,#list — 2n(2n/0) — — 2n(2n/0) 2n(2n/0)
fmovem3, 4#list,<ea>x — 1+2n(0/2n) — — 1+2n(0/2n)
fmul <ea>y,FPx 4(0/0) 4(0/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0)
fneg <ea>y,FPx 1(0/0) 1(0/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0) 1(1/0)
fnop — — — — 2(0/0)
frestore <ea>y — — 6(4/0) — — 6(4/0) 6(4/0)

Table 3-19. EMAC Instruction Execution Times

Opcode <ea>y
Effective Address
Rn (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16,An)
(d8,PC,Xi*SF) xxx.wl #xxx