Chapter 9 Downloading Software
8.Get the name of the compressed file on the diskette by listing the contents of the diskette; at the DOS prompt type:
DIR <Return>
The compressed file on the diskette takes the form FILENAME.EXE
9.Copy the compressed file to the “download” directory you created in step 5; at the DOS prompt type:
copy FILENAME.EXE c:\download <Return>
where FILENAME.EXE is the name of the file contained on the diskette.
10.Make the “download” directory the active directory; at the DOS prompt, type:
c:\download <Return>
11.Decompress the executable file on the hard drive; at the DOS prompt, type:
This will create a file called FILENAME.PRG inside the “download” directory.
12.Start the FTP protocol; at the DOS prompt, type:
ftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <Return>
(where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx represents the IP Address of the printer.)
13.Log in to the printer; at the prompt, type:
root <Return>
You are given a password prompt. The default is no password; at the password prompt, enter <Return>. If the FTP program requires a password, contact your system administrator.