Set Commands
set time hours [minutes [seconds ]] set time 10 30
Set the current time noting the hours based on the
set user adddel username set user add eng
Add or remove a user on the PrintNet defined by username.
IMPORTANT Be careful not to delete the root user, or you will be unable to configure any further settings on the print server. You will have to go back to factory defaults to correct this problem.
set user passwd username password set user passwd eng mplex1
Assign a password to a defined user on the PrintNet. This password must be less than eleven characters.
set user type username rootguest set user type eng root
Assign root or guest privileges to a particular user defined by username. Guest permissions allow viewing of settings only. Root permissions allow complete control of the PrintNet.
set user from default
Set all user settings back to factory defaults.
set user from stored
Set all current user settings to the values stored in flash memory.
set user passwd snmp com_name
Sets the new SNMP R/W community name as the com_name value.