Adjusting Polling Time (NDS and Bindery setups)
2.You should now see a prompt displayed that has the PrintNet’s IP address followed by a colon then root.
3.At the prompt, enter:
store pserver novell passwd password
NOTE: The passwords entered in Netware Administrator or PCONSOLE must match the password set on the unit.
4.Reset the unit to ensure the changes take effect. reset
Adjusting Polling Time (NDS and Bindery setups)
To set the poll time the PrintNet will use when checking for new jobs under a PSERVER setup:
Netware 4.x
1.Login to NetWare Administrator as a user with security equal to “Admin” on your Novell host.
2.Double click on the printer object you wish to change the poll time for. This will bring up the printer objects details pages.
3.Click on “Configuration” to display the configuration page.
4.Change the “Service Interval” to the desired number (in seconds).
NOTE: You may also want to change the “Service mode for forms” to “Change forms as needed”. If you do not do this, the PrintNet will need to poll the file server twice as much to get all the information it needs.
Netware 3.x
1.Enter PCONSOLE as supervisor on your Novell host.
2.Select “Print Server Information” from the main menu, and press