SJ200 Inverter
Remote Control Up and Down Functions
The [UP] [DWN] terminal functions can adjust the output frequency for remote control while the motor is running. The acceleration time and deceleration time of this function is same as normal operation ACC1 and DEC1 (2ACC1,2DEC1). The input terminals operate according to these principles:
•Acceleration - When the [UP] contact is turned ON, the output frequency accelerates from the current value. When it is turned OFF, the output frequency maintains its current value at that moment.
•Deceleration - When the [DWN] contact is turned ON, the output frequency deceler- ates from the current value. When it is turned OFF, the output frequency maintains its current value at that moment.
In the graph below, the [UP] and [DWN] terminals activate while the Run command remains ON. The output frequency responds to the [UP] and [DWN] commands.
1 [UP] 0 1 [DWN] 0
[FW], [RV] 10
Operations Monitoring and