Income Property Cash Flow Analysis
Before-Tax Cash Flows
•Potential Gross Income
•Effective Gross Income
•Net Operating Income (also called Net Income Before Recapture.)
The derivation of these cash flows follows a set sequence:
1.Calculate Potential Gross Income by multiplying the rent per unit times the number of units, times the number of rental payments periods per year. This gives the rental income the property would generate if it were fully occupied.
2.Deduct Allowance for Vacancy and Rental Loss. This is usually expressed as a percentage. The result is Rent Collections (which is also Effective Gross Income if there is no "Other Income").
3.Add "Other Income" such as receipts from concessions (laundry equipment, etc.), produced from sources other than the rental office space. This is Effective Gross Income.
4.Deduct Operating Expenses. These are expenditures the
5.Deduct Annual Debt Service on the mortgage. This produces Cash Throw- Off to Equity.
Effective Gross Income =
Potential Gross Income - Vacancy Loss + Other Income.
Net Operating Income =
Effective Gross Income - Operating Expenses.
Net Operating Income - Annual Dept Service.
Example: A
The property has just been financed with a $700,000 mortgage, fully amortized in a level monthly payments at 11.5% over 20 years.
a.What is the Effective Gross Income?
b.What is the Net Operating Income?
c.What is the Cash