FV: Unused | R0: n |
1.Key in the program.
2.Key in m and press .
3.Key in n and press to calculate mCn.
4.For a new case, go to step 2.
Example: A manager wants to choose a committee of three people from the seven engineers working for him. In how many different ways can the committee be selected?
Keystrokes | Display |
7 | 35.00 | 7C3. |
| ||
3 |
Random Number Generator
0 < ui < 1.
The following method is used:
•ui + 1 = fractional part of (997 ui)
•where i = 0, 1, 2, ...
•u0 = 0.5284163* (seed), *Other seeds may be selected but the quotient of
(seed x 107) divided by two or five must not be an integer. Also, it would be wise to statistically test other seeds before using them. )
The period of this generator has a length of 500,000 numbers and the generator passes the frequency test (chi Square) for uniformity, the serial test and the run test. The most significant digits (the left hand digits) are the most random digits. The right most digits are significantly less random.
CLEAR | 00- |
| 01- | 48 |
5 | 02- | 5 |