Inlet Systems
Split/splitless capillary inlet
The multiple•modesplit/splitless capillary inlet system may be used with any of the common types of capillary columns (fused silica, quartz, glass, metal).
Specific sampling modes include:
CSplit, for major•componentanalyses.
CPurged splitless, for trace•componentanalyses. Each mode requires installation of a specific inlet insert.
Available Inlet Inserts
Note that performance in capillary analyses is closely related to the insert used (and sampling mode). Inserts supplied are average , suitable for good performance over a variety of general applications. For specialized applications, however, to optimize inlet performance, custom•madeinserts may be used: any custom•madeinsert must not exceed 6.52 mm od, and must be 78.5 + 0.1 mm in length to operate properly.
Carrier gas considerations
Carrier gas choice, and its average linear velocity through the column, strongly influences column efficiency, analysis time, and system stability.