Preventive Maintenance
Flame photometric detector
6.Use compressed gas, air, or N2 to blow out loose particles from the jet and/or detector module body.
7.Inspect and clean deposits from the jet bore and from the threads using a suitable wire. If the jet is damaged in any way, it should be replaced. It is good practice to replace the jet rather than cleaning it, particularly when extremely high sensitivity is required.
8.A new Kalrez O•ringseal (Part No. 0905•1103) must be used when reinstalling the jet into the burner chamber.
9.Reassemble all parts of the detector module; reassemble the module onto the instrument. A new Vespel ferrule (6.4 mm id, Part No. 0100•1061)should be used to seal the detector module to the transfer line.
Be careful not to crush or side load the fused silica liner when reinstalling the detector.
Whenever working with exposed fused silica tubing, wear eye protection; fragments of fused silica could be released if the fused silica is fractured or crushed.
10.Reinstall the PMT assembly on the detector module; restore instrument gases and power.
FPD leak testing (GC with electronic flow sensor)
If the system has an electronic flow sensor (EFS) with any FPD gas plumbed through it (air, oxygen, hydrogen, or carrier), the system can be checked easily and quickly. First, close all supply gases except for the one plumbed through the EFS. Then cap off the detector exhaust tube with a 1/4•inchSwagelok plug (Part No. 0100•0196)and a 40% graphitized Vespel ferrule (Part No. 0100•1061).
With the flow system deadheaded and one pressurized gas plumbed through the EFS, the flow reading should drop very close to zero. If not,