Preventive Maintenance
Flame photometric detector
Likewise, damage to the PMT window cannot be tolerated; if necessary, replace the PMT or call Hewlett•Packardsupport.
1.Remove four screws to remove the PMT adapter flange. Remove the adapter carefully; a quartz window is exposed and may fall out. The window is cleaned in a manner similar to the filter.
2.Remove four more screws to remove the stainless steel coupling. Remove the coupling carefully; the remaining quartz window may fall out. Clean the window in a manner similar to the filter.
Note placement and types of seals found on disassembled parts. Seals should be replaced on reassembly. (See Figure 8•21for seal part numbers.)
Inspect the windows; chips missing, scratches, and/or cracks in the light path scatter light, reducing detector sensitivity. Replace window(s) if necessary (first window•Part No. 19256•80030;second window•Part No. 19256•80060.)
Reassemble parts in reverse order, making sure all seals are of the proper type and in their respective proper locations. Tighten screws firmly to ensure gas•tightand light•tightseals. If the filter has a silvered side, it should face the flame (indicator arrows (>) on edge of filter should point toward the PMT).