Preventive Maintenance
Flame ionization detector (FID)
Metal inserts and/or liners
CDo not use concentrated acid(s) on metal inserts or liners!
CThe insert is washed with noncorrosive solvents (H1O, CH2OH (methanol), (CH2)1CO (acetone), CH1Cl1 (methylene chloride), etc), and then dried thoroughly in an oven at 105^C.
CAfter washing and drying, a suitable wire may be used to dislodge solids from interior surfaces, followed by compressed, filtered, dry air or N1 to blow any loose material out of the insert or liner.
CFor any of the inserts used with the dedicated on•columncapillary inlet, use a stainless steel cleaning wire (Part No. 19245•20570; 0.007•inch(0.2 mm) od, 1.5•inch(3.8 cm) long, package of 4) to dislodge solid material.
Flame ionization detector (FID)
In addition to the detector itself, other systems associated with the detector may also require routine maintenance.
WARNING Flame ionization detectors use H2 gas as fuel. If H2 flow is on, and no column is connected to the detector inlet fitting, H2 gas can flow into the oven and create an explosion hazard. Inlet fittings must have either a column or a cap connected at all times.