Electronic Flow Sensing

Electronic flow sensor (EFS) calibration

Note: The HP 5890 has a timer function that may be used as an aid in measuring flow rate (see the Operating Manual, Chapter 4).

CPress TIME to access the timer function.

CAfter obtaining the desired flow rate, press:



2 ENTER to return to setting the gain value.

CEFS channel A is assumed. Press B if Channel B is being calibrated.

4.Allow ample time for flow rate to equilibrate (no drift should be observed).

5.Assuming no drift in measured flow rate, note the flow rate value at the connected flow•measuringdevice. Enter this measured value through the keyboard:

Measured Value ENTER

Upon pressing ENTER, CALIBRATING is displayed.

6.After a short time, GAIN A (or GAIN B) is again displayed, followed by the observed flow rate and a new gain calibration value based upon the measured flow rate.

Note that the displayed flow rate value now should be quite close to the measured flow rate value. If not, drift may have occurred, so the process should be repeated.

7.This completes EFS calibration. Remove the flow•measuringadapter, reconnect channel OUT fittings (use two wrenches in opposition to avoid twisting tubes), replace the left side panel, and restore the instrument to service.