IP Address The Internet Protocol Address. A numeric
address such as which
identifies a printer or server in a LAN or
LAN Local Area Network.
LED Light Emitting Diode. The printer has an
LED display which shows the status of the
printer to the operator.
logpath Determines the type of print job and printer
logging needed per job. One logpath is
associated with every destination.
LPD/LPR Line Printer Daemon. The most common
TCP/IP remote printing protocol that
crosses all hardware utilizing IP.
MAC Machine Address Code.
MIB Management Information Base. A set of
variables (database) managed by an
SNMP manager application.
model Defines how a print job should be
processed (e.g., banner pages added,
ASCII to PostScript conversion) as it
passes through the Ethernet. One model is
associated with every destination.
NetBIOS Network Basic Input Output System.
Common interface among PC networks.
Monitor Mode Refers to the condition of the Ethernet with
no configuration or IP address loaded.
npsh Extensive built-in command shell within
the Ethernet.
PDF Portable Document Format. Encodes
different types of documents enabling
them to be read across multiple platforms.