Chapter 16 Complete Command List
Configures the KDC realm portion:
store kerberos config krealm <kdc_realm>
<kdc_realm> is usually set to the uppercase name of the
Windows 2000 KDC to which the Access Point is configured.
<kdc_realm> has 0 to 127 characters excluding “:” and “/”.
Default is localrealm.
Sets the Kerberos password that must match the Windows 2000
user password for the Print Server:
store kerberos password <kerberos_password>
<kerberos_password> is either a string without any space and
tab, or a double quoted string with a maximum of 40 alpha-
numeric characters or symbols. The administrator should
choose at least 9 alphanumeric characters with a combination
of upper and lower case characters and symbols. In the
Windows environment, this is the Windows 2000 user
password for the Print Server and they must be exactly the
store pping opts [-]enable
store pping opts enable
Store the state of periodic ping flag. If the periodic ping flag is
enable the NIC periodic ping client will attempt to ping its
default gateway on its active NIC interfaces.
Default: disabled
store pping packet <number of packets>
store pping packet 5
Store the value of the packet. It is the number of ICMP Echo
Request packets that will be sent by the periodic ping client on
each period.
store pping period <minutes>
store pping period 5
Store the value of the period. <minutes> is the amount of time
from 1 to 5 minutes defines the periodic ping sequence will be
Default: 5