SECTION 1 | General Information |
Alt mode: Generally you use the Alt mode as required by your particular application.
Scroll lock mode: This mode locks the keyboard for scrolling only. By using the scroll arrows on the [WINDOW] keys you can continuously scroll through all data entered. Your application and keyboard definition show you which key is defined for scrolling. To unlock, press the key again.
NUM lock mode: Both the
CAPS lock mode: The keyboard is in CAPS lock mode when this annunciator is displayed on the bottom row of the screen. All keystrokes are entered as uppercase charac- ters. To unlock CAPS press the [CAPS] key
Alphabetic lock mode: Only the
Normal Operation: Pressing the [1] key produces the character ‘1’; pressing the blue shift key and then the [1] key produces an ‘A’. Using the Alphabetic Lock: Pressing the [1] key produces an ‘A’; pressing the blue shift key and then the [1] key produces the charac- ter ‘1’.