General Information | SECTION 1 |
Blue Shift Mode: This annunciator shows you that the keyboard is in the blue shift mode. Pressing a key enters the character or performs the function shown in blue on the overlay to the upper left of the key.
Yellow Shift Mode: This annunciator displays when the keyboard is in the yellow shift mode. Pressing a key enters the character or performs the function shown on the overlay in yellow to the upper right of the key.

Battery Pack Gas Gauge Icons:
These battery icons represent the charge level in your main battery pack.
"Four icons indicates more than 76 % charge level
"Three icons indicates between
"Two icons indicates between
"One icon indicates between
Once your computer gets below the 20% range, the icons are replaced by “Ls” and after the charge level is less than 10% your computer emits a series of beeps.
"Four Ls indicates between
"Three Ls indicates between
"Two Ls indicates between
"One L indicates between
"NOTE: If you have the beeper turned off, you will not hear any of the low battery beep warnings.