Save parms, 3-61 session menu, 3-61
Memory Types, main, 1-23 Memory types, flash ROM, 1-23 Memory view test, 3-56 Minus key, 1-8
More, 3-11, 3-39, 3-60 keyboard opts, 3-60 Save parms, 3-61 session menu, 3-61
Native, 3-35
Number keys, 1-9
Numbers test, 3-59
Numeric keys, 1-9
Opening main menu, 3-6
Opening set-up parms menu, 3-11
Operating parameters, 3-6
Packet driver test, 3-56 Packet stats tests, 3-57 Page mode, 3-43 Period key, 1-8 Peripherals test, 3-48 Printer misses data, 4-9 Programming flash, 2-12
Protocol options, 3-26 3210 emulation, 3-30 3270 options, 3-29 5250 options, 3-28 data stream, 3-27 extended commands (CMDS),
host view size, 3-26 native, 3-35 VT/ANSI, 3-31
Radio, 1-25 Communication, 3-13 Radio comm, 3-37
Rechargeable battery labelling, 2-4
Removing scanner handle, 2-17 Repair service, 4-11
Replaceable nickel-metal hy- dride backup, 1-23
Replacing the main battery pack, 2-6
Resetting, 1-24 RS232 test, 3-52
Running TN.EXE does not dis- play data, 4-9
Save parms, 3-61 Scan key, 1-8
Scan key does not turn unit on, 4-8
Scan options, 3-19 length options, 3-23
attaching a tethered scanner, 2-18
using an integrated scanner, 2-15
Scanner handle, 1-27 attaching, 2-17
Scanner test, 3-55 Scanner type, 3-18 Scanning, 2-15
Screen annunciator location, 3-44
Screen mode, 3-42 center cursor, 3-43 corner mode, 3-43 lazy mode, 3-44 locked mode, 3-44 page mode, 3-43
Screen size, 3-41 Scroll window, 3-45 Scrolling arrows, 1-17
Session menu, 3-61
Set-up parms, 3-9 bar code parms, 3-18 cold start, 3-39 communication, 3-13 display options, 3-36 more, 3-39 protocol options, 3-26 radio comm, 3-37 scan options, 3-19 scanner type, 3-18
Setting up
DOS application to handle tethered laser scanners, 2-21
Intermec 1551 series scan- ners, 2-26
LS3203 and 3603 serial scan- ner parameters, 2-21 terminal emulation to handle
tethered scanners, 2-20
Shift functions, 1-11 rules for using, 1-11 using, 1-11
Shift keys, 1-9 blue, 1-10 green, 1-10 yellow, 1-10
Specifications, 1-31
Store and forward data transfer, 1-25
Suspend and or Resume key, 1-18
Taking care of your batteries, 1-20
Terminal emulation, 1-25 Tests, 3-10, 3-48
802.11radio, 3-49
display, 3-53 historgram opts, 3-58 keyboard, 3-55 memory view, 3-56 numbers, 3-59 packet driver, 3-56 packet stats, 3-57 peripherals, 3-48 RS232, 3-52 scanner, 3-55