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Using the 187Bug Debugger
Address Formats
Addresses are entered as a hexadecimal number, e.g., 20000 would correspond to address $00020000. The address, or starting address of a range, can be qualified by a suffix of the form ^S, ^s, ^U, or ^u where S or s defines Supervisor address space, and U or u defines user address space. The default, when the qualifier is not specified, is Supervisor.
Once a qualifier has been entered, it remains valid for all addresses entered for that command sequence, until the 187Bug is reentered or another qualifier is provided.
An alternate form of Address is Rnn, which tells the bug to use the address contained in CPU Register Rnn, where nn=00 thru 31 (i.e., 00, 01,..., or 31).
Hence addr:= Hex Number{[^S][^s][^U][^u]} Rnn
Note In commands with range specified as addr del addr, and with size option H or W chosen, data at the second (ending) address is acted on only if the second address is a proper boundary for a