Multiprocessor Support
Network I/O Error Codes
187Bug returns an error code if an attempted network operation is unsuccessful.
Multiprocessor Support
The MVME187
❏The Multiprocessor Control Register (MPCR) Method
❏The Global Control and Status Register (GCSR) Method
Either method can be enabled/disabled by the ENV command as its Remote Start Switch Method (refer to Appendix A).
Multiprocessor Control Register (MPCR) Method
A remote processor can initiate program execution in the local MVME187
The MPCR, located at shared RAM location of $3000 offset from the base address the debugger loads it at, contains one of two words used to control communication between processors. The MPCR contents are organized as follows:
Base Address + $3000 * N/A N/A N/A (MPCR)
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