Booting and Restarting 187Bug
4.Following this message there is a delay to allow you an opportunity to abort the Autoboot process if you wish. To gain control without Autoboot, you can press the BREAK key or the software ABORT or RESET switches.
5.Then the actual I/O begins: the program pointed to within the volume ID of the media specified is loaded into RAM and control passed to it.
Autoboot is controlled by parameters contained in the ENV command. These parameters allow the selection of specific boot devices and files, and allow programming of the Boot delay. Refer to the ENV command in Appendix A for more details.
There are two spare EPROM sockets, XU3 and XU4, available to carry
One use of ROMboot might be resetting SYSFAIL* on an unintelligent controller module. The NORB command disables the function.
ROMboot Sequence
1.ROMboot is configured/enabled and executed at powerup (optionally also at reset) in one of two ways:
a.By the Environment (ENV) command (refer to Appendix A)
b.By the RB command assuming there is valid code in the EPROMs (or optionally elsewhere on the module or VMEbus) to support it.
2.If ROMboot code is installed, a
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