FCCS Network Connection Test
3.3Line (LC, ELC, DLC Card) Connection Test (via FCCS)
Perform the Line (LC, ELC, DLC Card) connection test, following the procedures listed below.
3.3.1 Line Origination Test: Confirmation of Physical/Telephone STN Number
STEP 1: Connect the line circuit card to be tested to a telephone set in Node A
STEP 2: Lift the handset of STN A and confirm DT (Dial Tone).
STEP 3: Place a call to an ATTCON or Dterm in Node B.
STEP 4: Answer the call and confirm the speech condition and Physical/Telephone (station) number of the calling station.
STEP 5: Release the call.
3.3.2 Line Termination Test: Confirmation of Telephone STN Number
STEP 1: Place a call from ATTCON/Dterm in Node B using the Telephone Number of STN A.
STEP 2: Answer the call.
STEP 3: Confirm the number dialed and that the Telephone Number of STN A are the same on the display of the ATTCON/Dterm.
STEP 4: Release the call.
3.3.3 Line Connection Test: Case of Hot Line/House Phone Involved
STEP 1: The Station to be tested goes
STEP 2: Check whether the call is routed to the predetermined station/ATTCON.
STEP 3: Answer the calls and confirm the speech condition.
STEP 4: Release the call.
| Node A | Node B |
| LC / | ATI |
| ELC | |
| |
Line to be tested | FCCS | term |
(XXXX) |
| D |
| |
| ELC |
Figure 6-10 Line Connection Test (origination) via FCCS
ND-70185 (E)CHAPTER 6
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