Camera Title

This window configures the title for each camera.

Up to 20 characters (camera title + alphanumeric charac- ters) are available for the title.

WJ-SX150 Administrator Console has the following built-in characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrs t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , – . / : ; ,=/?•_ÄÜÖÆÑÂØäüöæñâøÁÇÉÌÒÙßàáâçèéêëìíîïòóôùúû

In addition, symbols, special characters and original char- acters are editable in the bitmap font.

Camera title input area

How to Display

To display this window, click on the (Camera Title) button in the main window (p. 65).


• Fixed Font Box

The fixed-font characters are displayed here.

SPACE: To make a space in the text-box area, click on this button.

• User Font Box

The character displayed here is editable by users.

Edit Font: To display the Edit Font window, click on this button.

• Insert / Revise Radio button

To insert a character in the text-box area, click on the Insert button. To revise the character there, click on the Revise button.

(Save Exit) button

Saves the configuration and closes the Camera Title win- dow.

Note: Be sure to click on this button after editing user font characters. Otherwise, the edited characters will be canceled.

(Cancel Exit) button

Cancels the configuration and closes the Camera Title win- dow.

Edit Camera Title

1.Click on the tab of the desired camera to edit its cam- era title. The cursor blinks at the first block in the text box.

Note: When the desired camera's tab does not appear, click on the buttons A or B beside the tabs.

2.Click on the <– or –> button to move the cursor to the desired position.

3.Click on the desired character button in the Fixed Font or User Font box. The character will be entered in the text box.

4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 to enter the camera title.

5.After the entry, click on the (Save Exit) button. The camera title will be saved.

To Enter a Space in the Text Box

1.Click on the <– or –> button to move the cursor to the desired position.

2.Click on the SPACE button.

To Delete a Character in the Text Box

1.Click on the Revise button.

2.Click on the <– or –> button and move the cursor to the character for deletion.

3.Click on the DEL button.

The character will be deleted from the text box.

To Revise a Character in the Text Box

1.Click on the Revise button.

2.Click on the <– or –> button and move the cursor to the character for revision.

3.Click on the desired character.

The character will be entered in the text box.

To Insert a Character in the Text Box

1.Click on the Insert button.

2.Click on the <– or –> button and move the cursor to the block to enter a character.

3.Click on the SPACE button to enter a space.

4.Click on the Revise button.

5.Click on the desired character in the text box. The character will be inserted in the text box.

To Cancel the Entry

Click on the (Cancel Exit) button.

The entry will be canceled and the Camera Title window will close.


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Image 77
Panasonic WJ-SX 150 manual Edit Camera Title