(DELETE) button
Deletes the configuration of all the steps of the selected tour sequence.
(COPY) button
Copies the configuration of all the steps of the selected tour sequence to the another tour.
(PASTE) button
Pastes the cut or copied configuration to another tour sequence.
(Save Exit) button
Saves the configuration and closes the Tour Sequence win- dow.
(Cancel Exit) button
Cancels the configuration and closes the Tour Sequence window.
■Group Sequence
This window configures the parameters of group sequences.
Each group sequence has up to 4 tour sequences which are assigned to the monitors.
●How to Display
To display this window, click on the (Group Sequence) button in the main window (p. 65).
Mon 1 - Mon 4
Selects the tour sequence displayed on each monitor.
(Tour Sequence) button
Displays the Tour Sequence window for the tour sequence configuration.
(Save Exit) button
Saves the configuration and closes the Group Sequence window.
(Cancel Exit) button
Cancels the configuration and closes the Group Sequence window.
Note: The tour sequences with different total step number and dwell time are not configurable in a group sequence.