Table I. DOS Command Reference (Continued)
Command† | Switch†† | Description | Example(s)§¶ | |
| File and Disk Management Commands (Continued) |
| |
| Displays the contents of | C:\9700>TYPE NODE1.MON | Displays the contents of the |
| the specified text file on |
| NODE1.MON file located in |
| the screen. If the loca- |
| the C:\9700 directory |
| tion of the file is in a | C:\>TYPE C:\9700\NODE1.MON | Displays the contents of the |
| directory other than the | ||
| one you are in, you must |
| NODE1.MON file located in |
| specify the directory |
| the C:\9700 directory |
| path. |
| MORE | Allows a long text file to | C:\ TYPE C:\9700\NODE1.ALM MORE | Allows the NODE1.ALM text |
| be viewed one screen at |
| file to be viewed one screen at |
| a time. The redirection |
| a time |
| operator symbol |
| precedes the MORE |
| command. The symbol is |
| located above the |
| backslash (\) on the |
| keyboard. |
| Recovers files that were | C:\UNDELETE C:\9700\TEST.BAT | Recovers the TEST.BAT file |
| previously deleted using |
| that was previously deleted |
| the DEL command. |
| using the DEL command. |
| /LIST | Lists the deleted files | C:\UNDELETE C:\9700\ /LIST | Lists the files that have been |
| that are available to be |
| deleted from the C:\9700 direc- |
| recovered but does not |
| tory and are available to be |
| recover any files. |
| recovered but does not recover |
| the files. |
| /ALL | Recovers deleted files | C:\UNDELETE C:\9700\ /ALL | Recovers all files that have |
| without prompting for |
| been deleted from the C:\9700 |
| confirmation for each |
| directory without prompting |
| file |
| for confirmation for each file |
| Environment Commands |
| |
| Displays the current | C:\>PATH | — |
| search path used when |
| DOS looks for a program |
| file. |
PATH [drive:][path[;…]] |
| Sets the search path to | C:\>PATH C:;C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS | Sets the search path to |
| be used when DOS |
| looks for a program file |
| Miscellaneous Commands |
| |
| Clears the screen. Only | C:\>CLS | Clears the screen. The follow- |
| the command prompt |
| ing remains: C:\>_ |
| and cursor remains. |
| Lists and briefly | C:\>FASTHELP | — |
| describes |
| commands. Provides |
| less detail than the |
| information provided by |
| the HELP command |
| (see below). |
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