Note the following:
•In a new system installation, multiple matrix bays are labeled to identify the location of the downframed bays in the installation, for example, 2A, 2B, 2C, and so on. Figure 57 illustrates a two-bay configuration in which bay 2A (bay 1) is downframed to bay 2B (bay 2). For additional examples of downframe configurations, refer to Appendix B.
•Downframe cables are coaxial ribbon cables used to connect bays in a downframe configuration. A downframe cable is supplied with the CM9760-DFC and CM9760-DFL cards.
If you wish to add one or more matrix bays to an existing installation in a downframe configuration, note the following:
•If you downframe to only one bay, adhere to the following guidelines:
–Termination jumpers on the CM9760-RPC cards in the first bay must be set in the unterminated position.
–The downframed bay (second bay) can be populated with either CM9760-DFC or CM9760-DFL cards. If CM9760-DFC cards are used, termination jumpers must be set in the terminated position because the cards are in the last bay. If CM9760-DFL cards are used, termination jumpers must be set in the unterminated position only when looping to another device is required (termination must occur at the final device). When looping is not required, termination jumpers on the CM9760-DFL cards must be set in the terminated position.
•If you downframe to more than one bay, adhere to the following guidelines:
–Termination jumpers on the CM9760-RPC cards in the first bay must be set in the unterminated position.
–Each bay between the first and the last bay must be populated with CM9760-DFC cards. Termination jumpers on the CM9760-DFC cards must be set in the unterminated position.
–The last bay can be populated with either CM9760-DFC or CM9760-DFL rear panel cards. If CM9760-DFC cards are used, termination jumpers must be set in the terminated position because the cards are in the last bay. If CM9760-DFL cards are used, termination jumpers must be set in the unterminated position only when looping to another device is required (termination must occur at the final device). When looping is not required, termination jumpers on the CM9760-DFL cards must be set in the terminated position.
For detailed information about the CM9760-RPC, CM9760-DFC, and CM9760-DFL cards, refer to the CM9760-RPC Rear Panel Input Card, CM9760-DFC Rear Panel Downframe Card, and CM9760-DFL Rear Panel Downframe Looping Card sections, respectively.