Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (ISCP)
Start/Stop Transmit
Setting this parameter to on enables the transmission of start and stop characters, which are usually not transmitted. Code 39 can start and end with either a * or a $ character (see also the next parameter).
Accepted Start Char
This parameter allows the user the option of using one of the two start/stop characters or both ($ char, * char, $ and * char).
Check Digit Verification
Uses the specified algorithm of the option you've chosen to ensure the integrity of the symbol data before transmitting. If the data does not contain that algorithm, the data is not transmitted. The available options are: Disabled, MOD 43 Check, French CIP, or Italian CIP.
Note: French CIP (French pharmaceutical) is only used with bar codes containing 7 characters.
Italian CIP (Italian pharmaceutical) is also known as Code 32. It is transmitted as a standard Code 39 if checksum is not validated.
Transmit Check Digit
If the check digit is to be transmitted with the data, this parameter must be enabled.
Minimum Length
Minimum lengths for the bar code can be set from 0 to 255. The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check digit(s).
Length Restriction
Refer to “Length Restriction” on page 142 for details.
Add/Remove Data
Refer to “Add/Remove Data” on page 142 for details. Code 128
Setting this parameter to on enables “Code 128”.
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