Preparing |
| PÞ’prava |
Connecting a Power Source |
| PÞipojen’ videokamery ke zdroji nap‡jen’ |
There are two power sources that can be connected. |
| Jsou k dispozici dva druhù nap‡jec’ch zdrojó |
- Using the AC Power Adaptor and AC cord : used for indoor shooting. | Ð s’éovù adaptŽr, pÞipojeny k videokameÞe kabelem pro | |
- Using the Battery Pack : used for outdoor shooting. |
| stejnosmžrnŽ nap‡jen’ Ð pouì’vejte pro z‡znam v interiŽru |
| Ð akumul‡tor, kterù budete pouì’vat v exteriŽru |
To use the AC Power Adaptor and DC Cable |
| PÞipojen’ s’éovŽho adaptŽru a DC kabelu |
1. Connect the AC Power Adaptor to an AC cord. | 1 | 1. PÞipojte s’éovù adaptŽr k pÞ’vodn’ äËóÞe. |
2. Connect the AC cord to a wall socket.
Reference - The plug and wall socket type can be different according to the regional conditions.
3.Connect the other end of the DC cable to the DC jack of the camcorder.
2.Zapojte nap‡jec’ äËóru do z‡suvky.
Upozornžn’ | Ð podle m’stn’ch podm’nek mohou | |
| bùt z‡str‹ka i z‡suvka róznŽho | |
| typu. |
3.Druhù konec kabelu pÞipojte do DC konektoru videokamery.
PÞepnžte pÞep’na‹ do polohy Camera.
PÞepnžte pÞep’na‹ do polohy Player.