and Safety Instructions








Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’





Notices regarding COPYRIGHT



Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se autorskùch pr‡v


Television programs, video tapes, DVD titles, films, and other program


Televizn’ programy, video kazety, DVD tituly, filmy a jinŽ programy

materials may be copyrighted.


mohou bùt chr‡nžny autorskùmi pr‡vy.

Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material may be against the law.


Neopr‡vnžnŽ kop’rov‡n’ materi‡ló chr‡nžnùch autorskùmi pr‡vy je











Notices regarding moisture condensation



Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se kondenzace vlhkosti



A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to


Zmžny teploty okoln’ho prostÞed’ mohou zpósobit kondenzaci vlhkosti


form inside the camcorder.



uvnitÞ videokamery.

for example:




When you move the camcorder from cold outside to warm inside


- Jestliìe v zimž pÞem’st’te videokameru z venkovn’ho chladnŽho


during the winter.



prostÞed’ do teplŽ m’stnosti.


When you move the camcorder from cool inside to hot outside during


- Jestliìe v lŽtž pÞem’st’te videokameru z vnitÞn’ chladnŽ m’stnosti do


the summer.



venkovn’ho horkŽho prostÞed’.


If the “DEW” protection feature is activated, leave the camcorder for


Je-li aktivov‡na ochrann‡ funkce ÒDEWÓ, otevÞete prostor pro kazetu,


at least two hours in a dry, warm room with the cassette compartment



vyjmžte baterii a ponechte videokameru na suchŽm, teplŽm m’stž po


opened and the battery removed.



dobu nejmŽnž dvou hodin.


If the “DEW” protection feature is activated unexpectedly, and you


Je-li ochrann‡ funkce ÒDEWÓ aktivov‡na neo‹ek‡vanž a chcete ji


want to override it, press the RESET button using a sharp-pointed



vypnout, stisknžte tla‹’tko RESET za pouìit’ äpi‹atŽho pÞedmžtu.


object. (If you press the RESET button, all the settings including the



(Stisknete-li tla‹’tko RESET, veäker‡ nastaven’ v‹etnž data a ‹asu se


date and time, return to default.)



vr‡t’ ke standardn’mu nastaven’).


Please make sure that the condensation has disappeared completely.



Ujistžte se, ìe vlhkost œplnž zmizela.





Notices regarding CAMCORDER



Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se videokamery


1. Do not leave the camcorder exposed to high temperature(above


Nevystavujte videokameru vysokùm teplot‡m (nad 60°C). NapÞ’klad


60°C or 140°F). For example, in a parked car in the sun or under



v autž zaparkovanŽm na slunci nebo na pÞ’mŽm slune‹n’m svžtle.


direct sunlight.


Nevystavujte videokameru vlhkosti. ChraËte ji pÞed deätžm,

2. Do not let the camcorder get wet.



moÞskou vodou nebo jakoukoliv jinou vlhkost’. V pÞ’padž proniknut’


Keep the camcorder away from rain, sea water, and any other form



vody do videokamery, móìe doj’t k poäkozen’.


of moisture. If the camcorder gets wet, it may be damaged.



Takto zpósoben‡ nefunk‹nost móìe bùt neopraviteln‡.


Sometimes malfunction cannot be repaired.



















Page 5
Image 5
Samsung VP-D60, VP-D65 manual Safety Instructions, Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’, Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se autorskùch pr‡v