



To use the Lithium Ion Battery Pack


Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie


Amount of continuous recording time depends on :


Doba nepÞetrìitŽho z‡znamu z‡vis’ na:

- Which model of battery pack you are using.


Ð typu akumul‡toru, kterù pouì’v‡te

- How much you use the Zoom function.


Ð jak ‹asto pouìijete funkci Zoom; Pokud se chyst‡te zoom pouì’vat

It is, therefore, recommended that you have several available.

‹astžji, mžjte pÞipraveny n‡hradn’ akumul‡tory.

Charging the Lithium Ion Battery Pack


Dob’jen’ akumul‡toru


1. Attach the battery pack to the camcorder.



PÞipojte akumul‡tor k videokameÞe.




2. Connect the AC Power Adaptor to an AC cord



PÞipojte AC adaptŽr na AC kabel a zapojte

and connect the AC cord to a wall socket.



AC kabel do s’éovŽho rozvodu.

3. Connect DC cable to DC jack of the



Zapojte DC kabel do DC konektoru





4. Turn off the power of the camcorder, and



Vypnžte nap‡jen’ videokamery. Ukazatel

the charging indicator will start blinking and




nab’jen’ za‹ne blikat a nab’jen’ za‹’n‡.

begin charging.





Ð blik‡n’ jedenkr‡t za sekundu indikuje

- Blinking once a second : Indicates less than




mŽnž neì 50% nabit’.

50% has been charged.





Ð blik‡n’ dvakr‡t za sekundu indikuje

- Blinking twice a second : Indicates



50% - 70% nabit’.

50% ~ 75% has been charged.





Ð blik‡n’ tÞikr‡t za sekundu indikuje

- Blinking three times a second : Indicates





75% - 100% nabit’.

75% ~ 100% has been charged.




Ð blik‡n’ se zastav’ a ukazatel trvale sv’t’ - nab’jen’ bylo dokon‹eno.

- Blinking stops and stays on : Charging has been completed.

Ð svžtlo sekundu sv’t’ a sekundu nesv’t’ Ð indikace nžjakŽ chyby.

- On for a second and off for a second: Indicates that an error has

occurred. Reset the battery pack and DC cable.


Zkontrolujte akumul‡tor a DC kabel.

5. If charging is completed, separate the camcorder, AC power adapter,

5. Kdyì je nab’jen’ dokon‹eno, oddžlte od sebe videokameru,

and battery pack.


AC adaptŽr a akumul‡tor.


- Even if the power is turned off, the battery will be discharged.

- k vyb’jen’ baterie doch‡z’ i kdyì videokameru nepouì’v‡te


- The battery pack may be charged a little at the time


Ð Akumul‡tor móìe bùt v dobž prodeje m’rnž nabitù.


of purchase.




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Samsung VP-D60, VP-D65 manual To use the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie