Maintenance |
| òdrìba |
After finishing a recording |
| Po skon‹en’ nahr‡v‡n’ |
At the end of a recording you must remove the power source . | Po ukon‹en’ nahr‡v‡n’ mus’te odejmout zdroj nap‡jen’. | |
Particularly, shooting with Lithium Ion Battery Pack and leaving the pack | ZejmŽna nahr‡v‡n’ s pouìit’m akumul‡toru Lithium Ion a ponech‡n’ ho | |
on the camcorder can reduce the life span of the battery. Hence, it must | ve videokameÞe, móìe sn’ìit ìivotnost akumul‡toru. | |
be separated from the camcorder. |
| Proto mus’ bùt ponech‡n oddžlenž od videokamery. |
After completing a recording session |
| Po dokon‹en’ z‡znamu |
1. Slide the EJECT switch in the direction of | 1 | 1. PosuËte pÞep’na‹ EJECT ve smžru sipky. |
the arrow. |
| Ð OtevÞen’m dv’Þek pro kazetu se kazeta |
- Opening the cassette door ejects the tape |
| automatickù vysune. |
automatically. |
| Ð Po‹kejte, dokud nen’ kazeta œplnž vysunuta. |
Wait until the tape is completely ejected safely. |
2.After removing the tape, close the door first and keep the camcorder in a dust free environment.
-Dust and other foreign materials can cause image degradation.
3.Set the power switch to ‘OFF’ mode.
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3 |
2.Po vyjmut’ p‡sky nejdÞ’ve zavÞete dv’Þka a kameru uloìte mimo praänŽ prostÞed’.
ÐPrach a ostatn’ ‹‡ste‹ky mohou zpósobit poäkozen’ obrazu.
3.Nastavte pÞep’na‹ do reìimu ÔOFFÕ.
4.Disconnect the power source or separate the Lithium Ion Battery Pack.
-When connecting a power supply, separate it in reverse order by referring to page 21.
4.Odpojte videokameru od zdroje nebo vyjmžte akumul‡tor.
ÐJestliìe videokameru pÞipojujete ke zdroji nap‡jen’, postupujte opa‹nùm zpósobem, viz str. 21.