to Know Your Camcorder

















Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou


























OSD(On Screen Display)









OSD - zobrazen’ na displeji hled‡‹ku


20. Self diagnosis (TAPE, TAPE END)









20. Pole kontroly (TAPE, TAPE END)


Checks the operation of the CAMCORDER.




Kontroluje ‹innost videokamery.


21. Digital zoom mode (see page 32)









21. Reìim digit‡ln’ho zoomu (viz str. 32)


Indicates the digital zoom magnification mode. (2x, 20x)


Indikuje reìim digit‡ln’ho zvžtäen’. (2x, 20x)


22. Remaining Tape (measured in minutes)








22. Zbùvaj’c’ ‹as p‡sky (mžÞeno v minut‡ch)


23. Zoom position




























23. Pozice Zoom










24. Audio playback channel (see page 46)
















24. Kan‡l audio pÞehr‡v‡n’ (viz str. 46)


Indicates the Audio playback channel (MAIN, SUB)




Indikuje kan‡l audio pÞehr‡v‡n’ (MAIN, SUB)


MAIN is not displayed.


















MAIN se nezobrazuje.


25. Audio playback mode


















25. Reìim audio pÞehr‡v‡n’


Indicates the audio playback mode. (12bit, 16bit)








Indikuje reìim audio pÞehr‡v‡n’ (12bitó, 16 bitó), 12 bitó se nezobrazuje.


12 bit is not displayed


















26. DV IN (reìim pÞ’jmu DV dat) (viz str. 54)


26. DV IN (DV data receiving mode) (see page 54 )




Indikuje, ìe reìim pÞ’jmu DV dat je aktivov‡n. (Pouze u VP-D65)


Indicates that the DV data receiving mode is activated. (VP-D65 only)




27. Dabing (viz str. 46)


27. DUB (see page 46)


















Indikuje, ìe audio dabing je v ‹innosti.


Indicates that the audio dubbing is working.















































Turning OSD (On Screen Display) on/off







Vypnut’/zapnut’ OSD


When you set the power switch to CAMERA, and the OSD on viewfinder,


Jestliìe nastav’te pÞep’na‹ do reìimu Camera a OSD na hled‡‹ku, LCD a TV


the LCD and TV monitor are automatically turned on.


monitor jsou automatickù zapnuty.


When you set the power switch to PLAYER, and the OSD on viewfinder,


Jestliìe nastav’te pÞep’na‹ do reìimu Player a OSD na hled‡‹ku, LCD a TV


the LCD and TV monitor are automatically turned off.


monitor jsou automatickù vypnuty.


•Turning OSD on/off









Vypnut’ /zapnut’ OSD


Press the OSD ON/OFF button on the left side panel.




Stisknžte tla‹’tko OSD ON/OFF na levŽ stranž panelu


-Whenever you press the button, it selects the function repeatedly in the


Ð Kdykoliv stisknete tla‹’tko, funkce jsou vyb’r‡ny opakovanž


order of ( OFF





0H00M00S00 ).



















-When you turn off the OSD,









Ð Jestliìe vypnete OSD


In CAMERA mode : You can view the OSD in the viewfinder or LCD


v reìimu Camera : OSD móìete prohl’ìet v hled‡‹ku na LCD displeji.















v reìimu Player

: OSD je vypnuto po 3 sekundovŽm blik‡n’ v hled‡‹ku a na


In PLAYER mode

: The OSD is turned off after blinking for 3 seconds






LCD displeji.






in the viewfinder and LCD monitor.


Vypnut’/zapnut’ data/‹asu


•Turning on/off the DATE/TIME


















Ð datum/‹as nen’ ovlivnžn tla‹’tkem OSD ON/OFF.


- The DATE/TIME is not affected by the OSD ON/OFF button.


Ð Chcete-li vypnout nebo zapnout datum/‹as, pouìijte pros’m tla‹’tko DATE/TIME


- If you want to turn the DATE/TIME on or off, please use the


na levŽ stranž panelu.


DATE/TIME button on the left side panel.




Ð Kdykoliv stisknete tla‹’tko, funkce jsou vyb’r‡ny opakovanž v poÞad’


- Whenever you press the button, it selects the function repeatedly in
















the order of ( OFF





































































Page 17
Image 17
Samsung VP-D60, VP-D65 manual OSD zobrazen’ na displeji hled‡‹ku, Turning OSD on/off, Turning on/off the DATE/TIME