| CZECH | |||
| Troubleshooting |
| Ûeäen’ problŽmó |
| |||||||||||||
| ||||||
| Troubleshooting |
| Ûeäen’ problŽmó |
| |||||||||||||
| - Before contacting a service center, perform the following simple checks. |
| - Neì kontaktujete servis, prove“te nžkolik jednoduchùch kontrol. | |||||||||||||||||
| They may save you the time and expense of an unnecessary call. |
| V mnoha pÞ’padech tak uäetÞ’te ‹as i zbyte‹nž vynaloìenŽ n‡klady. | |||||||||||||||||
| ||
| Self Diagnosis Display |
| DiagnostickŽ prvky na displeji |
| ||||||||||
| |||
| Display | Blinking |
| Informs that... | Action |
| Displej | Blik‡n’ |
| Informace | Akce | ||||||||
| slow | the battery pack is almost discharged. | Change to a charged one. |
| Pomalu | Akumul‡tor je tŽmžÞ vybitù. | VymžËte akumul‡tor. | ||||||
| ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| fast | the battery pack is fully discharged. | Change to a charged battery. |
| Rychle | Akumul‡tor je zcela vybitù. | VymžËte akumul‡tor. | ||||||
| 2MIN | slow | When the remaining time of the | Prepare a new one. |
| 2MIN | Pomalu | Zbùvaj’c’ ‹as dŽlky p‡sky je | PÞipravte novou kazetu. | |||||||||
| tape is about 3 minutes. |
| asi 3 minuty. |
| ||||
| TAPE | no | the tape reached its end. | Change to a new one. |
| TAPE | Neblik‡ | P‡ska je na konci. | VymžËte za novou kazetu. | ||||||||||
| END |
| END |
| ||
| TAPE | slow | there is no tape in camcorder. | Insert a tape. |
| TAPE | Pomalu | Nen’ vloìena kazeta. | Vloìte kazetu. | ||||||||||
| TAPE | slow | the tape is protected to record. | If you want to record, |
| TAPE | Pomalu | Kazeta je chr‡nžna proti nahr‡v‡n’. | |||||||||||
| release the protection. |
| odstraËte zablokov‡n’. | |
| C.EMG | slow | the camcorder has some | 1. Eject the tape. |
| C.EMG | Pomalu | Mechanick‡ z‡vada ve | 1. Vyjmžte kazetu. | ||||||||||
| D.EMG |
| mechanical fault. | 2. Set to OFF. |
| D.EMG |
| videokameÞe. | 2. Vypnžte kameru. | |||||||||
| L.EMG |
| 3. Detach the battery. |
| L.EMG |
| 3. Vyjmžte akumul‡tor. | |||||
| R.EMG |
| 4. Reattach the battery. |
| R.EMG |
| 4. Vloìte akumul‡tor zpžt. | |||||
| * If repeated contact |
| * Pokud problŽm trv‡, | |
| local service. |
| kontaktujte servis. | |
| DEW | slow | moisture condensation has formed | see below. |
| DEW | Pomalu | Do videokamery vnikla vlhkost. | Viz n’ìe. | |||||||||
| in the camcorder. |
| |||||||||||
| |||
| Moisture Condensation |
| ProblŽmy s vlhkost’ |
| ||||||||||
| - If the camcorder is brought directly from a cold place to a warm place, |
| Ð Pokud pÞem’st’te videokameru z chladnŽho prostÞed’ do tepla, móìe doj’t | |||||||||||||||||
| moisture may condense inside the camcorder, on the surface of the |
| ke kondenzaci vlhkosti uvnitÞ kamery, na p‡sce nebo na objektivu. | |||||||||||||||||
| tape, or on the lens. In this condition, the tape may stick to the head |
| V takovŽm pÞ’padž se móìe p‡ska nalepit na video hlavu a poäkodit se | |||||||||||||||||
| drum and be damaged or the unit may not operate correctly. |
| nebo pÞ’stroj nemus’ spr‡vnž fungovat. |
| |||||||||||||||
| To prevent possible damage under these circumstances, the camcorder is |
| Abychom zabr‡nili pÞ’padnŽmu poäkozen’ za takovych podm’nek, | |||||||||||||||||
| furnished with moisture sensor. |
| je videokamera vybavena vestavžnùm ‹idlem vlhkosti. | |||||||||||||||
| - If there is moisture inside the camcorder, “DEW” is displayed. |
| Ð Pokud do videokamery vnikne vlhkost, na displeji se objev’ ÒDEWÓ. | |||||||||||||||||
| If this happens, none of the functions except cassette ejection will work. |
| Pokud se tak stane, väechny funkce pÞestanou pracovat (s vùjimkou | |||||||||||||||||
| Open the cassette compartment and remove the battery. |
| funkce vyjmut’ kazety). OtevÞete prostor pro kazetu, vyjmžte baterie a | |||||||||||||||||
62 | Leave the camcorder for at least two hours in a dry warm room. |
| väe nechte alespoË dvž hodiny v suchŽ a teplŽ m’stnosti. | |||||||||||||||||
| |