About the answering machine
When the reception mode is set to T.A.D., the answering machine will automatically answer incoming calls and play your outgoing message (this is your recorded greeting which informs callers that they can leave a message or send a fax). Voice callers can leave a message, and fax transmissions will be received automatically.
The General Box is for general use, and Boxes 1, 2, and 3 are each for personal use. An outgoing message for the General Box must be recorded, and an outgoing message must also be recorded for each personal box used.
When the answering machine answers a call, the caller will hear the general outgoing message. If the caller wants to leave a message in the General Box, they should wait for the beep and then speak. If the caller wants to send a fax to the General Box, they should press their Start key. By pressing their Start key after speaking, the caller can leave a voice message and send a fax without having to place a separate telephone call.
If the caller wants to leave a message in a personal box, they must enter the number of the box ("1" for Box 1, "2" for Box 2, or "3" for Box 3) by pressing the appropriate key on their telephone before the beep. The outgoing message for the selected box will play, and the caller can then leave a message or press their Start key to send a fax.
When a fax is sent to a personal box, it will not be printed out immediately. Instead, it will print out when you play back the messages left in the box. If you program a passcode for the box, you will be able to receive confidential faxes. When a fax is sent to the General Box, it will be printed out immediately unless a passcode has been programmed for the General Box, in which case it will be printed out after message playback.
Note: To leave a message in a personal box, the caller must be on a