Calculating dates | 120 |
Using the Calculator with other |
applications | 121 |
When E appears | 122 |
Cost/Selling price/Markup and Cost/ |
Selling price/Margin calculations | 122 |
Setting the number of decimal places | 123 |
Calculation examples | 124 |
The Calc application menu | 125 |
The Clock Application | 126 |
Changing the Local city | 126 |
Setting the time and date | 127 |
Checking the time in a city | 128 |
Adding a | 129 |
Daylight Saving Time (DST) | 130 |
Setting daily alarms | 130 |
The Clock application menu | 132 |
Chapter 7 Money & Account |
Management | 133 |
Money Tracking application | 133 |
What it can do | 133 |
Introducing Money Tracking concepts | 133 |
Things to Know about Money Tracking | 134 |
Setting up Money Tracking accounts | 135 |
Viewing account information | 137 |
Editing or viewing account details | 137 |
Entering Money Tracking transaction | 137 |
Viewing account transactions | 140 |
Displaying transactions in detail: |
View mode | 141 |
Editing/updating existing transactions: |
Edit mode | 141 |
Listing all transactions | 142 |
A closer look at Money Tracking |
transactions | 142 |
Using the Filter to display selected |
transactions | 143 |
Canceling an active Filter | 145 |
About Categories | 145 |
Using the | 145 |
Adding your own Categories | 146 |
Editing Category names | 146 |
Using Categories | 147 |
The SPLIT function | 147 |
Automatic transfers | 149 |
Making a transfer for a SPLIT transaction ... | 151 |
Account balancing & reconciliation | 152 |
Performing account balancing | 152 |
Marking transactions as CLEARED | 152 |