Index mode in the To Do application can show entries based either on their priority level or their due date. In the default setting, entries with an assigned priority are displayed first (in the order of number, then letter), followed by entries with no assigned priority. Select INDEX BY from the application menu, then DATE from the submenu to display entries in chronological order based on the due date. To return to a display based on priority, select INDEX BY from the menu, then PRIORITY from the submenu. This means you can access entries in the way that is most convenient for you.
2.Press MENU and from the VIEWS submenu, select the file you want to review and press ENTER .
3.If you want to see the details of an entry, select the entry and press ENTER .
The entry is displayed in View mode.
Controlling how the Calendar displays To Do
To Do entries are indicated with ! beside their due dates in the Calendar’s Monthly views. The Calendar application can also display a reminder of any Monthly Goals that have been set.
To display the Monthly Goals:
1.From the Calendar application, press MENU . The application menu appears.
2.Select HIDE MONTHLY GOALS and press ENTER .
The Monthly Goals will then be displayed the next time the Calendar’s Monthly view is selected.
3.Press MENU again to confirm that no ✓ appears next to HIDE MONTHLY GOALS, indicating the option has been deselected.
☞To select HIDE MONTHLY GOALS, repeat the above procedure. The ✓ will then appear on the menu.
An overdue entry (ie. an entry for which the due date has passed) will always be shown in the Calendar views on the display for today’s date as well as on its due date.
Using keywords
Using the contents of any fields, including the DUE DATE and PRIORITY fields, you can access desired entries directly.
In the To Do application:
1.Press 2nd SEARCH . The Search window appears.
2.Type in any word you remember in the entry you are looking for. This word may occur in any field of the entry.
3.Press ENTER .