1.Press NEW .
2.Enter the description and due date. Type Call Frank
re: |
| Alpha Project ˜ 03151996. |
3.Move to the CATEGORY 1 field.
4.Enter the category. Type Phone Call.
5.Move to CATEGORY 2. Type Alpha Pro.
6.Press ENTER .
The entry is stored and, at the same time, the two categories you entered are stored in the category list.
7.Press ENTER to return to Index mode. The Index view for the To Do application appears.
8.Press MENU , select CATEGORIES and press
The CATEGORIES window appears.
9. Press ˜ to display the
☞You cannot use the same category more than once within the same entry.
Assigning categories using the category list
1.When entering or editing an entry in Edit mode, move to any of the five CATEGORY fields.
2.Press ˜ .
The Category window opens with the first category selected. Categories are listed in alphabetical order.
3.Select the desired category and press ENTER .
The category window closes and the selected category appears in the field.
4. Press ENTER .