PROFIBUS PA: one of the PROFIBUS family of protocols, specifically tailored for the needs of process industries (PA = Process Automation).
propagation factor (pf): where the maximum velocity is 1.0, pf is a value that represents a reduction in propagation velocity as a result of the wave travelling through a pipe or medium.
pulse radar: a radar type that directly measures distance using short microwave pulses. Distance is determined by the return transmit time.
radar: radar is an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging. A device that radiates electromagnetic waves and utilizes the reflection of such waves from distant objects to determine their existence or position.
range: distance between a transmitter and a target.
range extension: the distance below the zero percent or empty point in a vessel.
relative permittivity: see dielectric constant.
repeatability: the closeness of agreement among repeated measurements of the same variable under the same conditions.
shot: one transmit pulse or measurement.
speed of light: the speed of electromagnetic waves (including microwave and light in free space. Light speed is a constant 299,792,458 meters per second.
stillpipe: a pipe that is mounted inside a vessel parallel to the vessel wall, and is open to the vessel at the bottom.
stilling-well: see stillpipe.
two wire radar: a
TVT (time varying threshold): a
waveguide antenna: a hollow, metallic tube that transmits a microwave signal to the product target.
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