Quick Start
Quick Start Wizard via SIMATIC PDM
The graphical Quick Start Wizard groups together all the settings you need to make for a simple application into 4 steps.
To use HART or PROFIBUS PA, you will need a PC configuration tool: we recommend
Please consult the operating instructions or online help for details on using SIMATIC PDM. (Application Guides for setting up Siemens PROFIBUS PA and HART instruments with SIMATIC PDM are available on our website: www.siemens.com/processautomation.)
Device Description (DD)
You will need the DD for SIMATIC PDM version 6.0 with SP2. You can locate the DD in Device Catalog, under Sensors/Level/Echo/Siemens Milltronics/SITRANS LR 460. If you do not see SITRANS LR 460 under Siemens Milltronics, you can download the DD from the product page of our website at: https://pia.khe.siemens.com/index.asp?Nr=14655, under Downloads.
Save the files to your computer, and extract the zipped file to an easily accessed location. Launch SIMATIC PDM – Manager Device Catalog, browse to the unzipped DD file and select it.
Configuring a new device
1.Set Address (default for PROFIBUS PA is 126; for HART is 0).
•Point the handheld programmer at the display then press Mode to activate PROGRAM mode, menu item 1.
•Press Down ARROW , Right ARROW
, Right ARROW
to navigate to Address (menu item 2.1.2).
•Press Right ARROW to open Edit mode: the PROGRAM icon
will flash.
•If required, key in a new value and press Right ARROW to accept it. The LCD displays the new value and the PROGRAM icon disappears.
2.You will need the most
3.Launch SIMATIC Manager and create a new project for LR 460. Application Guides for setting up HART and PROFIBUS PA devices with SIMATIC PDM.can be downloaded from the product page of our website at: https://pia.khe.siemens.com/index.asp?Nr=14655
4.Open the menu Device – Reset and click on Factory Reset.
5.Upload parameters to the PC/PG.
6.Calibrate the device via the Quick Start Wizard.
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