3.5.2.Echo select Algorithm.
Selects the algorithm to be applied to the echo profile to extract the true echo.
| TF | First echo above TVT is selected. |
| ALF | Area, Largest, and First combination |
| A | long range Area only |
| L | long range Largest only |
Options | * | F | First large echo |
| AL | Area and Largest average |
| AF | long range Area and First average |
| LF | long range Largest and First average |
| BLF | Best of First and Largest |
Related | • | Echo Confidence Long | |
parame- | • | Narrow Echo Filter (default 0) | |
ters | • | Reform Echo (default 0) | |
Use Echo Confidence to determine which algorithm gives the highest confidence under all level conditions. If the wrong echo is processed, observe the echo processing displays and select an alternate algorithm. Echo Threshold Long
Sets the minimum echo confidence that the echo must meet in order to prevent a Loss of Echo condition and the expiration of the LOE timer.When Echo Confidence exceeds the Confidence Threshold, the echo is evaluated.
Values | Range: 0 to 99 | |
Default: 10 | ||
| ||
Related | LOE Timer | |
Parameters | ||
| ||
Use this feature when an incorrect material level is reported. Echo Marker
The point on the selected echo from which the measured value is taken.
Page 54 | SITRANS LR 460 – INSTRUCTION MANUAL | 7ML19985JM01 |