D/A (Digital/Analog) Trim
Allows you to trim the 4 mA and 20 mA points in order to calibrate the mA output.
Open the menu Device – D/A Trim. You will be prompted to attach a calibrated meter and enter the values at 4 mA and at 20 mA.
Simulate AO (Analog Output)
Allows you to input a simulated value in order to test the functioning of the mA connections during commissioning or maintenance of the device.
To simulate a
1.Open the menu Device – Simulate AO.
2.Select Other, enter the new value, and click OK. The message ’Field Device fixed at new value’ appears. Click OK.
3.When you are ready to end simulation, select End and click OK to return the device to the original output level.
Note: The Simulation parameter influences output to the control system.
Simulate Analog Input to AIFB1 or AIFB2
Allows you to input a simulated value in order to test the functioning of the Analog Input Function Blocks.
1.Open the menu Device – Simulation, and select the desired function block.
2.Enable simulation, enter a value, and click Transfer.
3.After simulation is complete, disable simulation.
Simulate Input
Allows you to simulate the sensor value which is input to the Level Transducer Block.This tests everything between the Level Transducer Block and Output.
1.Open the menu Device – Simulation, and select Simulation (Input).
2.To enable simulation select Fixed or Ramp.
If you select Ramp, enter the step length and number of steps.
3.Enter the simulated value and click Transfer.
4.After simulation is complete, disable simulation.
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