8002h - Ethernet Configuration and Status Register (ECSR)
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| IOIs8 |
| Pwrdwn | Intr | IntrACK |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
BIT 7 - Not defined
BIT 6 - Not defined
BIT 5 - IOIs8: This bit when set, indicates that the Host can only do 8 bit cycles (on
BIT 4 - Not defined
BIT 3 - Not defined
BIT 2 - PwrDwn: When set (1), this bit puts the SMC91C95 Ethernet function into powerdown mode. The Ethernet function is also put into powerdown mode when the Enable Function bit (ECOR bit 0) is cleared. Refer to the Powerdown Logic section for additional details as to what logic is powered down.
BIT 1 - Intr: This bit is read/set to a one when this function is requesting interrupt service. It is cleared depending upon the setting of IntrACK.
When this bit and Enable IREQ Routing are set,
All setting and resetting of this bit is edge triggered with exception of the internally generated reset signal for the modem / Ethernet related PC card registers. The Intr bit can be reset the following ways and priority ranging from 1=highest to 3=lowest:
1)A hardware reset/power up
2)The function ie. interrupt source can only reset this field to zero (0) if the IntrACK field is reset to zero (0)
3)The host system can only reset this field to a zero (0) only if the IntrACK bit is set to a one (1)
BIT 0 - IntrACK: This bit controls the clearing of the Intr bit. When this bit is cleared, Intr reflects the function's interrupt status. When this bit is set, the Intr bit must be cleared by the host writing a 0 into it. If the function requires additional service the Intr bit will remain asserted when the host writes the 0.