The arbiter uses the pointer register as the CPU provided address, and the internal DMA address from the CSMA/CD side as the addresses to be provided to the MMU.
The data path routed by the arbiter goes between memory (the data path does not go through the MMU) on one side and either the CPU side bus or the data path of the CSMA/CD core.
The data path between memory and the Data Register is in fact buffered by a small FIFO in each direction. The FIFOs beneath the Data Register can be read and written as bytes or words, in any sequential combination. The presence of these FIFOs makes sure that word transfers are possible on the system bus even if the address loaded into the pointer is odd.
The bus interface handles the data, address and control interfaces as a superset of the ISA and PCMCIA specifications and allows 8 or 16 bit adapters to be designed with the SMC91C95 with no glue to interface to the ISA or PCMCIA bus.
The functions done in this block are address decoding for I/O and ROM memory (including address relocation support) for ISA, data path routing, sequential memory address support, optional wait state generation, boot ROM support, EEPROM setup function, bus
transceiver control, and interrupt generation/selection.
For ISA, I/O address decoding is done by comparing
A valid comparison does not yet indicate a valid I/O cycle is in progress, as the addresses could be used for a memory cycle, or could even glitch through a valid value. Only when nIORD or nIOWR are activated the I/O cycle begins.
In PCMCIA mode,
The SMC91C95 can work on most system buses without having to add wait states. The two parameters that determine the memory access profile are the read access time and the cycle time into the Data Register.
The read access time is 40ns and the cycle time is 185ns. If any one of them does not satisfy the application requirements, wait states should be added.
If the access time is the problem, IOCHRDY should be negated for all accesses to the
SMC91C95. This can be achieved by programming the NO WAIT ST bit in the configuration register to 0. The SMC91C95 will negate IOCHRDY for 100ns to 150ns on every access to any register.
If the cycle time is the problem, programming NO WAIT ST as described before will solve it but at the expense of slowing down all
accesses. The alternative is to let the SMC91C95 negate IOCHRDY only when the Data Register FIFOs require so. Namely, if NO WAIT ST is set, IOCHRDY will only be negated if a Data Register read cycle starts and there is less than a full word in the read FIFO, or if a